Mother's Day Meal
May 8, 2016
Not a traditional Mother’s Day breakfast this year but a homemade Mother’s Day dinner.
Because of the hot weather on this day we decided to make a half warm and half cold meal. For the starter, there was home made tomato soup. With the tomato soup we served focaccia and two different types of wraps. We shared all of this food with four people.
For the tomato soup you need:
• 750 g roma tomatoes
• 1 onion
• 1 small winter carrot
• 4 tbsp Fresh thyme
• 3 cloves of garlic
• 1 can tomato paste
• 2 beef stock cubes
• 2 tbsp olive oil
• 750 ml boiling water
• 1 tsp sugar
Cut the tomatoes in quarters. Chop the onion, garlic and carrot. Heat the olive oil in a pan and sweat the onion, garlic and carrot on a low heat for 5 minutes. Add the tomato paste, sugar and the leaves of the thyme, mix and cook together for another 2 minutes on middle heat. Add the tomatoes, boiling water and stock cubes. Bring to boil, and boil on low heat the vegetables for 10-15 minutes. Use a blender to smoothen the soup and pour through a sieve. Add some extra salt and pepper if necessary.
For the smoked salmon wraps you need:
• 4 wraps
• 200 g smoked salmon
• cream cheese with herbs
• a few leaves of lettuce
• lemon
Place the wraps on the countertop, spread some cream cheese over the wraps. Divide the salmon over the three wraps and top off with some lettuce. Sprinkle some lemon juice over the wraps and roll them up. Cut the wraps in any shape you like.
For the Italian herb chicken wraps you need:
• 4 wraps
• 1 chicken breast
• mixed Italian herbs
• 75g maize
• cream cheese with herbs
• 125 g mozzarella
Cut the chicken breast in little pieces and marinade with 3 tbsp mixed Italian herbs and 2 tbsp of olive oil. Cook the chicken in the pan until cooked and add the maize and mozzarella to warm up. Spread out the wraps, spread some cream cheese on and divide the chicken. Roll up the wraps with both sides of the wrap folded in and cut in half to serve.