Our Recipes

Outrageous “Ovenschotel”
October 8, 2017
A perfect meal after a lazy autumnal Sunday. As the winter season is closing in on us, it is the perfect time for those hearty meals to be brought back to life. There is no better way to wash away those wintery feeling...

Celebratory Carrot Cupcakes
October 7, 2017
We made these great little cupcakes for my cousin's housewarming party, the requirements were that we could make any dessert, as long as it did not need to be eaten on a plate, as they were rather short on plates at the time having just moved into a new...

Thermal Tjap Tjoy
December 4, 2016
Tjap Tjoy is a standard dish my family orders when we have Chinese take-away. For that reason I wanted to make it myself, so we could make it anytime we feel like it! After finding a Dutch recipe...

Buoyant Boat Noodle Soup
September 12, 2016
Noodle soup is something that we don’t tend to make often, but we were looking for something new to make and this dish floated (no pun intended) into our minds. Noodle soup is a fairy straightforward dish to prepare and cook, so even if you’re not so...

Wholesome Chicken Wraps
August 22, 2016
Possibly one of our favorite quick dinners to make. Wraps are a great base for a meal as you can generally make anything to go on them. So they never get boring, just changed up a few ingredients every time and you’ll have a variety of meals to make...

Salsa di Pomodoro Sicilian Stew
August 18, 2016
Tonight was a special dinner. To thank Byron’s parents for partly sponsoring our fantastic holiday, we cooked them a special dinner. We decided to make an Italian inspired four course menu. The starter was an antipasti of different meats...

Summer Holiday
July-August, 2016
The keen followers of our website will have noticed a very large gap in food posts, and we have a very good reason why this happened…. We were on vacation!

Bond, Burger Bond
June 27, 2016
It was one of those days we wanted to clean out our fridge with leftover vegetables and bread from earlier in the week. A while earlier we already found this recipe on the 24Kitchen website...

Summer Pasta Salad
June 6, 2016
Today was a really good day for homemade pasta salad! It was so hot today we didn’t feel like warm food at all. For this salad we advise you to make lots and use...

Racing Ragout
June 2, 2016
A few days ago we got a super fresh 700g piece of silverside from some good friends of the family. They own a farm close to us and every time they visiting they bring us...

Hidden Hamburger
May 31, 2016
A spontaneous lunch idea by Celina! The beauty of the Hidden Hamburger is that from a first glance, you would not say there is a hamburger lurking behind the salady goodness...

Sustainable Spaghetti
May 27, 2016
Today it was sort of a leftover ingredients day. We still had some smoked salmon in the fridge and lots of fresh spinach out of my grandfather’s garden...

Perfect Pork
May 23, 2016
This dish is inspired on a Prague's recipe that is called Ranger’s pork, we found the recipe on 24 Kitchen website. This is a website we quite often use to get inspired...

Comfort Curry
May 19, 2016
An easy comfort meal for tonight. For the curry I used the Tikka Masala sauce of Patak’s. Start the curry with cooking the chicken and a few unions, add some spices that you like...

Monday Night Pizza's
May 16, 2016
Pizza’s are always a winner in our minds! There is nothing better than spending time with your significant other making pizza’s in your kitchen together...

Rijsttafel Roulette
May 15, 2016
Tonight we felt like Indonesian food, so first thing that came into our minds was a rijsttafel. We decided to try out something completely different as we were feeling creative...

Mother's Day Meal
May 8, 2016
Not a traditional Mother’s Day breakfast this year but a homemade Mother’s Day dinner. Because of the hot weather on this day we decided to make a half warm and half cold...

Cheating Chocolate Mousse
May 5, 2016
Chocolate decadence without the fuss! When you don’t want to spend too much time on a dessert, but you do want a special treat, then this is the recipe you looking for!

Noisy Nachos
May 5, 2016
Who doesn't like a big dish of Nachos? Our Noisy Nachos were a big hit, easy to make but extremely delicious! We decided to do a little research before making ours...

Furious Falafel
May 1, 2016
A super dish to make on a relaxing Sunday evening! Packed with flavor and with the addition of stir-fry vegetables and a side salad, it was definitely a healthy meal...